MSR: Using the Waveform Library Manager

Review the MSR: Generating a Library Waveform topic prior to using the Waveform Library Manager. This process enables you to generate multi-standard radio (MSR) library waveforms using exported waveforms.


To minimize the waveform generation time, all the Library Waveforms selected to be generated simultaneously should have common sampling ratios. Typically, 30.72 MHz or 61.44 MHz works well. An oversampling rate of 61.44 MHz works best when Frequency Offset values other than 0 are used. To do this, use the Waveform Manager to import your waveforms and select a common sampling rate that corresponds to the different waveforms that are to be generated together in the Waveform Setup node.

  1. On the Menu bar, click Tools > Waveform Library... to open the Library Manager. Refer to ClosedFigure 1 and ClosedFigure 2.

  2. If you would like a separate folder inside the Waveform Library folder for your Library Waveform files, click the Create Folder button .

    Else, continue to next step.

  3. If you are importing a new waveform, skip to step 12.

    Else, continue to next step.

  4. Click the Library Waveform.

  5. If you want to add sampling ratio(s), click on the Resample... button.

    Else, continue to step 10.

  6. In the Resample Target for the Library area, click to add any new Closedresample values.

  7. Click Next to apply the new sampling ratio(s).

  8. Observe the ClosedFilter Ratio region, if correct, click Next (you will need to repeat clicking the Next button, if their are multiple new sampling ratios).

    Else, click the Apply Changes button, to resample.

  9. Click Finish to close the Resample Waveform window and to return to the Library Manager window.

  10. Click the Add to Signal Studio as a new carrier button.

  11. If you are finished adding sampling rates to your waveforms and or finished adding Library Waveforms to Signal Studio as new carriers, then close the Library Manager window.

    Else, repeat steps 4 to 10.

  12. Click on the Import Waveform button .

    Import the individual component waveforms using the Imported Waveform Settings table's requirements:

    See also General (Library Waveform Carrier).

    Table: Imported Waveform Settings for the N7624C MSR Waveformc

    MSR Waveform Setting Levels

    Baseband Sampling Ratea,b

    Frequency Offseta

    Power (Offset)



    AUTO, 61.44 MHz

    as required

    as required

    Where the Frequency Offset = 0, a Baseband Sampling Rate of 30.72 MHz can be used to decrease waveform build time.


    184.32 MHz

    as required

    as required

    Possible degradation in waveform generation time and in waveform performance quality.

  13. Click on the Source Waveform Name parameter.

  14. Selects waveform file window: Open the folder where your waveform files are located and click to add the desired MSR waveform.

  15. Click Open.

  16. Import Waveform window: Click the Waveform Item Name parameter to enter a unique and descriptive filename, if you want your Waveform Item Name in the library folder to be different than the Source Waveform Name.

    The Source Waveform Name waveform is the waveform data that will be used to import to the displayed Waveform Item Name waveform. If the Source Waveform's Name is the same as the Waveform Item Name, and you wish to avoid losing your previously imported Library Waveform's data, then change the Waveform Item Name, as necessary.

  17. Click the Next button.

  18. Verify that the Location in the Library and the Source Waveform Name directory paths are correct.

    If the directory paths are incorrect, you can click the Cancel or Back buttons respectively, to make corrections.

    Else continue to next step.

  19. If your waveform has extra images or distorted, check the ClosedFilter Ratio to select the source waveform filter.

    Else, continue to the next step.

  20. If your waveform has extra images or distorted, in the Resample Target for the Library grid area, click to choose the waveforms's Closed resample values. (You can pick multiple resample values. Refer to MSR: Generating Library Waveform.)

    Else, continue to the next step.

  21. Click the Next button to apply the changes.

  22. If you have multiple Resample Targets, you will have an opportunity to change the Filter Ratio for all of your choices by clicking Apply Changes or and the Next button to continue.

    Else, continue to next step.

  23. Verify your choices are correct in the Library and Resample Options parameter areas.

    If necessary, you can click Back to correct the parameter values.

    Else, continue to the next step.

  24. If any changes are made to the settings, click the Apply Changes button.

    Else, continue to the next step.

  25. Verify the displayed response is correct.

    If not, you can still click Back to correct any parameter values (repeating steps 13 through 24 as needed).

    Else, continue to next step.

    If you click Back, you can add new additional sampling ratios using the Resample Target for Library parameter area to update your Target Sampling Ratio values.

  26. Click the Add to Signal Studio button to add the Library Waveform as a new carrier under the LTE/LTE-Advanced FDD Signal Studio software's ClosedWaveform Setup node.

    Optionally, you can use the Signal Studio's Tools > Waveform Library... dropdown to add your Library Waveform at a later time.

  27. If you are satisfied with:

  28. Signal Studio: To verify that your waveforms are optimized for oversampling:

    1. Select any Frequency Offset, Initial Phase values,...

    2. Generate your waveforms.

    3. After generation: Click Hardware > Instrument > 5. Dual ARB and note the ARB Sample Clock parameter value.

      This value is the up-sampled value that Signal Studio has calculated for your waveforms and equipment and is the oversample value that enables optimum waveform generation time for your current measurement's settings.

    4. If you are satisfied with you generation times, then you have completed this procedure.

      Else, continue to next step.

    5. If you are dissatisfied with your generation times, verify that each of your Library Waveforms in the Waveform Setup node has this same sample value available, as one of their Available Source Sampling Rates. See Closedexample:

    6. Library Manager: Add the missing ARB Sample Rate value, that is displayed in the Signal Studios Instrument node's ARB Sample Clock parameter, to your waveforms, by repeating steps 1 through 11.

      In the example (shown above in step e) the ARB Sample Clock value that needs to be added using the Library Manager is 61.44000000 MHz

MSR: Generating a Library Waveform

MSR: Applying a Waveform Channel Filter

Library Waveform Carrier

Overcoming Test Challenges of MSR Base Station Components and Transmitters